This invention enaböes the inertion of various material surfaces for improving their resilience against soil and wear.
Medicine technology, Micro electronics, Industry, Chemistry, Medicine
The inertisation of material surfaces plays a large role for medicine technology, large glass areas, areas strongly overloaded by dirt, and for surfaces with strongly reduced friction.
The presented methode uses functionalized perfluorized bonds. The so produced inert surfaces show extremly low surface energies, are resilient against deposition of substances or cells, and offer very low friction coefficients. Interactions with other molecules like proteins, cells or different substances are reduced to a minimum. On the molecular level is a fast decline of the electric field above the material surface. The specific molecule structure creates an additional lotus effect. The combination creates the targeted hyperhydrophobic surfaces.
Ina Krüger
Technology Transfer Manager
+49 (0)30 314-75916
Technology validated in lab
pending: EP, CN, US
Technische Universität Berlin
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