This Invention enables the preparation of wedge-shaped samples for the TEM with common lab equipment.
This invention enables the production of tailor-made extruded profiles for the forming of metals, for example in the production of pipes and the like. The process can be used in the automotive or aerospace industries.
This Invention enables an improved catalysis of commonly used reactions in fuel cells and electrolyzers as well as an easier manufacturing process for this catalyst material.
Conventional extrusion methods reach their limits in terms of material compatibility and tolerances with hybrid materials. The present invention makes it possible to press two different material billets simultaneously at variable relative speeds of the pressing punches.
This invention enables the production of concrete with improved surface quality, so structural defects such as pores in the concrete surface can be avoided.
This invention enables the production of improved magnesium alloys, which are particularly interesting as lightweight materials in the automotive, aerospace and medical technology industries.
Novel methods for the large-scale production of basic chemicals must not only be energy-efficient and environmentally friendly, but should also increasingly prevent undesirable by-products or ideally even convert them into useful resources. The advantages of the reaction process according to the invention can be applied to all alkenes and polyenes in order to produce basic chemicals and bind CO2 in the process.
The Invention enables the production of form giving structures by using auxetic materials for realization of otherwise hardly producable components.
This Invention enables a simplified catalysis of polylactic acid for producing PLA.
In conventional light metal-air batteries (LMB), hydrogen production has a performance-reducing effect and should therefore be avoided wherever possible. This invention will use the hydrogen for combining a light metal foam air battery (LMSLB) with a fuel cell.
Production method for mesoporous carbon coatings incorporating noble metal nano particles.
Metal oxides are required in many industrial processes. This invention provides a method for the synthesis of mesoporous, nanocrystalline magnesium oxide and magnesium carbonate films using micelle plates.
This Invention enables a possibility for manufacturing Metall effect plastic articles without visible flow lines.
This Invention enables to renounce diatomeceous earth while maintaining further plant infrastructures of the precoat filtration mainly used for beverage productions.
This invention enaböes the inertion of various material surfaces for improving their resilience against soil and wear.
There is a persistent need to develop new processes for large scale chemical modification of polymers, which would consider and minimize the cost of the modification process, as well as minimize its negative impact on the environment. The present invention relates to a process for such modifying / functionalizing of a polyether polysulfone backbone, and to a modified functionalized polymer obtained in this process, which solve this obove named needs.
A device and method for constructing thermoplastics reinforced with continuous filaments.
Wherever heat is generated in electronic components as a result of power loss, this must also be dissipated in order to prevent the components from overheating. The invention relates to a method for producing a composite material (metals and carbon), a composite material and a use of the composite material as a heat conductor as well as a heat exchanger. It enables an increase in the interface area and/or contact area of a redetachable and reusable thermal interface, thereby increasing the heat flow between two surfaces.
Thisinvention enables the spatially and timely resolved measurement simulatneously of electronic and electro magnetic processes in a TEM.
This Invention describes the usage of a novel semiconductor MOF comprising Phosphonate and Arsenate for a novel electrode material used in super capacitors.
This process enables the generation of nanoparticles in spray flames which can be used, for example, as coating material, in electrical devices, for thermal conduction or insulation or as catalyst.
This invention enables the easier manufacturing of porouse silicate particles as hostmaterial for most industrial catalysts.
This innovative loop made of carbon fibers can be used, for example, as part of a supporting structure for structures such as bridges, tunnels, towers or also for mobile machines such as cranes, ships or wind turbines.
The Center for Intellectual Property (ZfgE) at the TU Berlin is the central point of contact for all topics relating to intellectual property law and intellectual property.
We patent and market the inventions of the TU Berlin, and we also teach and research technical and intellectual property law.
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Zentrum für geistiges Eigentum
Technische Universität Berlin
Straße des 17. Juni 135
10623 Berlin