20034/TUB TRL 6
Coaxial extrusion with simultaneous processing of two materials

Conventional extrusion methods reach their limits in terms of material compatibility and tolerances with hybrid materials. The present invention makes it possible to press two different material billets simultaneously at variable relative speeds of the pressing punches.

20017/TUB TRL 4
New process for polyether modification

There is a persistent need to develop new processes for large scale chemical modification of polymers, which would consider and minimize the cost of the modification process, as well as minimize its negative impact on the environment. The present invention relates to a process for such modifying / functionalizing of a polyether polysulfone backbone, and to a modified functionalized polymer obtained in this process, which solve this obove named needs.

19012/TUB TRL 4
Electrodicarboxylation of Alkenes with CO2 and H2

Novel methods for the large-scale production of basic chemicals must not only be energy-efficient and environmentally friendly, but should also increasingly prevent undesirable by-products or ideally even convert them into useful resources. The advantages of the reaction process according to the invention can be applied to all alkenes and polyenes in order to produce basic chemicals and bind CO2 in the process.

17001/TUB TRL 4
Plate for increasing performance in absorption heat pumps/chillers

Thermally driven absorption heat pumps with ionic liquids have a low intensity of heat release, which results in high costs for heat transfer. The intensity of the heat release is significantly influenced by the mass transfer that takes place on the surface of a fluid film through diffusion. The invention have been solved such difficulties and achieve heat flow densities of up to 5 kW/m² with comparatively low driving forces.

21032/TUB TRL 3
Hybrid power source

In conventional light metal-air batteries (LMB), hydrogen production has a performance-reducing effect and should therefore be avoided wherever possible. This invention will use the hydrogen for combining a light metal foam air battery (LMSLB) with a fuel cell.

17051/TUB TRL 4
Re-usable thermal interface

Wherever heat is generated in electronic components as a result of power loss, this must also be dissipated in order to prevent the components from overheating. The invention relates to a method for producing a composite material (metals and carbon), a composite material and a use of the composite material as a heat conductor as well as a heat exchanger. It enables an increase in the interface area and/or contact area of a redetachable and reusable thermal interface, thereby increasing the heat flow between two surfaces.

12058/TUB TRL 4
Clarification Method for Beverage Production

To produce clear, brilliant beers, wines or juices, they must be filtered. Clarifying agents can be used for this purpose to increase the filtration performance and shorten the production time of beverages. By using defined amounts of certain pectins and, if necessary, in combination with gallotannins, the two decisive process parameters of filtration, non filtrate turbidty / clearness and filtrate throughput can be significantly improved.

20052/TUB TRL 4
Propagation method for kefir grains’ microbial consortia

Some of the most important and abundant bacteria of the natural kefir microbial community in kefir grain-based beverages are very slow growing species and thus not used in industrial relevant starter cultures. This invention provides a method to use these species in a way that making the production of a synthetic kefir feasible for industrial scale production reassembling the organoleptic and health-benefiting characteristics of home-made kefirs more closely than current industrial kefirs.

18008/TUB TRL 4
Spatially resolved Measurements of changes in Electromagnetic Potentials due to dynamic Effects via time-resolved Electron Holography

Thisinvention enables the spatially and timely resolved measurement simulatneously of electronic and electro magnetic processes in a TEM.

18031/TUB TRL 4
Production of Metal Oxides supported on Mesoporous Silica Particles

This invention enables an easier production of ordered mesoporous silica structures even at room temperature.

15050/TUB TRL 4
New Catalyst for Hydroformylation of Olefins

This invention enables a simplified hydroformylation with a novel catalyst including ligands based on silylenes.

17061/TUB TRL 4
Modifying of Ceramis Surfaces

This invention enaböes the inertion of various material surfaces for improving their resilience against soil and wear.

17042/TUB TRL 4
Synthesis of Surface Functionalized mesoporous Silicates at Room Temperature

This invention enables the easier manufacturing of porouse silicate particles as hostmaterial for most industrial catalysts.

12027/TUB TRL 4
UV LED with tunnel-injection layer

This Invention describes the composition of an UV-LED operatable in lower wavelengths.

16062/TUB TRL 3
Iron-Molybdenum-based Superfullerenes for Photocatalytically Effective Water Treatment

This Invention enables the water treatment from hard to remove substances like drug residues and Hormone like substances by photocatalytic iron-molybdenum clusters.

18038/TUB TRL 4
Super Capacitors comprising Phosphonate and Arsenate-MOFs as active Electrode Materials

This Invention describes the usage of a novel semiconductor MOF comprising Phosphonate and Arsenate for a novel electrode material used in super capacitors.

17011/TUB TRL 5
Oncolytic Coxsackievirus Variante PD for Treatment of Cancer

This invention enables the production of an oncolytic virus variante, enabling a novel specific treatment of malignant cancer. (in vivo PoC, TRL 5)

18044/TUB TRL 4
Metall Effect Pigments for reduced Flow Lines, their Manufacturing and Machine Technology

This Invention enables a possibility for manufacturing Metall effect plastic articles without visible flow lines.

15020/TUB TRL 4
Modified Cellulose Fibers for Optimizing Filtration Methods

This Invention enables to renounce diatomeceous earth while maintaining further plant infrastructures of the precoat filtration mainly used for beverage productions.

14049/TUB TRL 4
Hölder Adaptive Image Synthesis

This Invention enables improved simulations of lighting in three-dimensional environments while staying computational efficient.

17058/TUB TRL 4
Catalyst material for Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers, and a Manufacturing Process therefore

This Invention enables an improved catalysis of commonly used reactions in fuel cells and electrolyzers as well as an easier manufacturing process for this catalyst material.

17003/TUB TRL 4
Method and Apparatus for time-resolved interferometric Measurements

This Invention enables resolutions in the picosecond scale ant herefor the investigation of dynamic processes in a TEM.

17024/TUB TRL 4
Synthesis of Omphalotin A and familiar Secundary Metabolites

This Invention enables the Synthesis of Omphalotin A and modified secundary metabolites for the development of novel antibiotics.

14014/TUB TRL 4
Synthesis of Secondary Metabolites in Filamentous Fungi

This Invention contains the process of synthesis of secondary metabolites in fungal host organisms for the production of novel antibiotics.

13030/TUB TRL 4
Heterogeneous Catalyst for Prepolycondensation of Lactic Acid

This Invention enables a simplified catalysis of polylactic acid for producing PLA.

14035/TUB TRL 4
Protein verification with Aptamers

This Innovation enables the easy marking and separating of different Proteins in a single sample.

13019/TUB TRL 4
Mode coupled Semiconductor Laser with Feedback as an Optoelectronic Oscillator

This Invention enables the easier manufacturing of clocks for signals for high frequency data Transmission with less jitter.

14017/TUB TRL 6
Attachment Device for Dimple Grinder

This Invention enables the preparation of wedge-shaped samples for the TEM with common lab equipment.

14027/TUB TRL 4
Production method for photo-electrocatalytic electrodes from industrial pigment powders

An enhanced electrode for fuel cells and electro catalysis and the manufacturing process needed.

18015/TUB TRL 4
Printing head for additive manufacturing with continuous filament

A device and method for constructing thermoplastics reinforced with continuous filaments.

17004/TUB TRL 4
Mesoporous carbon coatings incorporating preformed noble metal nanoparticles

Production method for mesoporous carbon coatings incorporating noble metal nano particles.

17057/TUB TRL 4
Freeform geometries by auxetic structures

The Invention enables the production of form giving structures by using auxetic materials for realization of otherwise hardly producable components.

14067/TUB TRL 5
Method and Apparatus for Continuous Z-folding of Lithium-Ion Batteries

The Invention enables the continuous Z-folding of a electrode-seperator-composite for faster and cost-efficient production of battery-cells.

05016/TUB TRL 9
New EAP-Determination, including Beverage Antioxidative IndeX (BAX)

This Invention enables a novel less invasive Method for determining the EAP-values of Drinks.

16015/TUB TRL 4
Mobile, Modular, Multimodal Biosignal Acquisition M3BA

This invention offers the highly precise acquisition of several bioelectric and biooptic brain and body signals simultaneously and is used in research and clinical processes as well as in automotive safety electronics or virtual reality applications.

09065/TUB TRL 3
Method and apparatus for measuring blood oxygen saturation

The method uses electromagnetic radiation to determine oxygen saturation in the blood more accurately than conventional methods.

07068/TUB TRL 4
Concrete formwork for pore-free concrete surfaces

This invention enables the production of concrete with improved surface quality, so structural defects such as pores in the concrete surface can be avoided.

09088/TUB TRL 5
Method for determining abrasive grain

The method enables a universal, fast and easy evaluation and determination of abrasive grains and is used in the production of abrasive grains and abrasives.

06023/TUB TRL 6
Counterpressure device for indirect extrusion

This invention enables the production of improved magnesium alloys, which are particularly interesting as lightweight materials in the automotive, aerospace and medical technology industries.

16050/TUB TRL 6
Bridge tool for the production of extruded profiles with varying cross-sections

This invention enables the production of tailor-made extruded profiles for the forming of metals, for example in the production of pipes and the like. The process can be used in the automotive or aerospace industries.

08036/TUB TRL 7
Sea State Independent Oil Skimming System (SOS System)

With the invention of the SOS system, it is possible to skim oil slicks from the surface of the water, i.e. to absorb them, even in heavy seas.

08057/TUB TRL 9
New alcohol-free beverage

Scientists from TU Berlin develop an improved method for the production of a beverage having an ethanol content of under 0.5 vol%.

09080/TUB TRL 6
Miniaturized Hose Pinch Valve

This invention enables fast, precise and highly dynamic dosing of the smallest quantities of liquid, as required, for example, in medical technology.

05051/TUB TRL 3
Single or Entangled Photon Source

The invention enables a simple and reproducible process for the production of a single or an entangled photon source, as used in quantum cryptography, the security industry or in communications and information technology.

10039/TUB TRL 2
Parametric Motion Vector Derivation for Video Coding

This method is used in the video software industry or in online video portals and enables, among other things, data rates in video coding processes to be reduced but not increased.

10052/TUB TRL 6
Temporal Trajectory Filter

This invention can be used, for example, in the video software industry or in online video portals and enables the reduction of bit rates, improved image quality and improved noise suppression.

11041/TUB TRL 5
Torque and Force Sensor

With this invention, measurements are possible wherever installation heights are low, for example on sports equipment, road and rail vehicles or even construction machinery.

10096/TUB TRL 5
Fluidized-Bed Membrane Reactor

The fluidized bed membrane reactor can be used in the chemical industry and is suitable for the oxidative coupling of methane and heterogeneous catalysis.

10082/TUB TRL 3
Memory Cell for Data Storage – III

This innovative memory cell offers both high performance and long life and can be used in the computer industry, optoelectronics or consumer electronics.

16019/TUB TRL 6
Peristaltic Micro Pump

The innovative micropump enables precise dosing and exact control of the smallest quantities of liquid in the nanoliter range, as is often required in applications in medicine, biochemistry or chemistry.

10094/TUB TRL 3
Positioning of Nanostructures

With this method, light emitting devices as well as single photon emitters can be constructed by producing layers with locally arranged nanostructures, and quantum cryptography and communication are also made possible.

10004/TUB TRL 4
Memory Cell for Data Storage – II

This memory cell serves as an optoelectronic device for data storage and can be used, among other things, for quantum cryptography and data transmission as used in the communications industry.

11010/TUB TRL 3
Memory Cell for Data Storage – IV

The presented memory cell is suitable for optoelectronic devices and for data storage. It can be used in the computer industry, optoelectronics or consumer electronics, for example.

11037/TUB TRL 4
Single Antenna FMCW Radar Front-End

This invention can be used for various positioning systems, e.g. in museums or harbours, distance measurement for vehicles or any wireless data transmission. The novel radar system enables the realization of highly integrated circuits, accompanied by improved insulation properties of the switching processes, as well as improved transmission and reception powers.

12009/TUB TRL 3
Artificial Tooth

In case of tooth loss, this invention enables the production of easily available, long-term stable and physiological grafts. The germ that induces later tooth growth is cultivated from human adult stem cells. -> ! This technology is not yet available for patients and will not be in the foreseeable future. ! <-

07075/TUB TRL 4
Microstructured Polymer Stent

Unlike conventional drug-coated stents, which are used to maintain or restore the size of vessels in the human body, this novel microstructured polymer stent prevents late effects of stents such as increased risk of bleeding, acute intoxication or the formation of tumors.

10003/TUB TRL 6
Network of Reactors for Alkane Oxidative Coupling

This invention is used in the chemical industry and enables the oxidative coupling of methane and heterogeneous catalysis.

09062/TUB TRL 6
Knee Orthosis

This new type of knee orthosis prevents the orthosis from shifting between the upper and lower leg segments during wearing due to axial incrugation, as is often the case with common knee orthoses. In addition, it minimizes both the constraining forces and the strain on the soft tissue.

06058/TUB TRL 3
Memory Cell for Data Storage – I

This invention, which is suitable for data storage and memory cells, enables long-term storage at fast write speeds.

08043/TUB TRL 4
Real Time Approaches for Video Genre Classification

This technology offers the possibility to classify videos according to the respective genre (e.g. "Cartoon" and "Non-Cartoon"). This can be used both for private home use and for the automatic classification of audiovisual data for the Internet and search engines.

08044/TUB TRL 4
Photon Pair Source

This invention offers a process for the production of a photon pair source that generates interlaced photon pairs in a simple and reproducible manner and is used, for example, in the security industry or communications and information technology.

12006/TUB TRL 4
Accelerated Lautering Process

This invention enables an improved purification process of malt and is used, for example, in the beverage industry (especially the beer industry) to reduce process time and improve the oxidative stability of beverages.

12016/TUB TRL 4
Mesoporous Metal Oxide Films

Metal oxides are required in many industrial processes. This invention provides a method for the synthesis of mesoporous, nanocrystalline magnesium oxide and magnesium carbonate films using micelle plates.

12065/TUB TRL 4
Malting Method

The invention comprises a process for improving the quality of malt so that the iron content in malt and beverages, for example, can be reduced.

11017/TUB TRL 7
Method for Operating a Cooling System

This invention offers a novel technology to increase the efficiency of cooling systems.

12014/TUB TRL 4
Energy Efficient Wagon Construction

This new type of freight car can be used in freight transport, transport, the railway industry or logistics and is more energy-efficient than conventional models due to its aerodynamically advantageous design, for example.

13054/TUB TRL 6
Fluid Distribution Arrangement

This new type of liquid distributor is used, for example, in absorption chillers and can replace systems that were previously more complex and more susceptible over the operating time.

10058/TUB TRL 4
Heavy-Wire Bond Arrangement

This technology can be used in the production of a wide variety of electrical connections; wire bonding is used, for example, to connect the chip to the electrical connections of the chip package, such as a semiconductor, an LED or a sensor.

13057/TUB TRL 5
Haptic System

As an essential component of the so-called virtual reality (VR), this invention offers the development of a mobile haptic device with high dynamics, large displayable forces, large working space and excellent spatial resolution. It can be used for example in product development or interactions between humans and 3D environments.

14007/TUB TRL 5
Method for Testing Bonding Connections

Bonding is used in particular to create the visible connections in an electronic circuit with the board and thus to create contact points. This invention offers a non-destructive test procedure that can determine both simply and reliably whether a correct bond connection has been created.

14020/TUB TRL 6
Electrodynamic Transducer

This invention offers a generator that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy and is used, for example, in electronic door locking systems and energy conversion systems.

14025/TUB TRL 5
Ozonation via Membrane Contactors

This invention provides a way to purify wastewater from synthetic substances as well as bacteria or viruses.

14061/TUB TRL 5
Pitch Control System

This invention provides a control method for wind turbines to adapt their overall performance to the prevailing operating conditions.

15039/TUB TRL 5
Swirl-stabilized Burner

In the course of the use of renewable energies, this invention offers an approach for an emission-free energy storage.

15053/TUB TRL 5
Automatic Launch and Recovery System

This invention is used to lift people, vehicles or other objects that have gone overboard out of the water.

16002/TUB TRL 4
Data Coding Using Sparse Mixture of Experts Regression

This invention offers a novel universally applicable technique for image and video coding.

16007/TUB TRL 5
IFGARD (Internal Field Guarded Active Region Device)

This invention comprises a so-called semiconductor layer sequence, which can be used in LEDs, for example.

12019/TUB TRL 4
LED Light Coupler

This invention improves the performance of LEDs and can be used in medical devices or endoscopy, for example.

14029/TUB TRL 3
Chip-integrated Optical Sensor

This novel optical sensor, which has a very high sensitivity, can be used in biomedicine, biochemistry, pharmacy or environmental monitoring.

14048/TUB TRL 5
Optoelectronic Device

This invention is used, for example, in telecommunications and enables fast but also secure transmission of optical signals.

12076/TUB TRL 4

This invention enables the production of albicidine, which could form the basis for novel, highly effective and bacteria-resistant antibiotics.

13016/TUB TRL 8
Sports Beverage

This invention comprises the production of a novel probiotic, protein-rich and fermented sports drink based on malt barley seasoning.

13040/TUB TRL 3
Production of Hydrosilanes

This invention is used in the chemical industry and offers a method for the production of hydrosilanes without safety problems.

16057/TUB TRL 4
Mussel-Based Bioadhesives

This bioadhesive can be used in medicine to treat bone fractures or in wound treatment.

10092/TUB TRL 3
Pixel Processing

This invention enables efficient processing of pixels to increase the quality of a video sequence. The procedure is interesting for video sharing websites, online video-on-demand platforms or streaming media providers.

17019/TUB TRL 3
Combustion Control

For the first time, this method offers active control of chaotic combustion instabilities that can occur undesirably in various combustion systems.

16060/TUB TRL 6
Stall Warning Indicator

The invention enables the prediction of instability in a compressor, which allows an early warning in the event of a fault. The early warning system can be used in thermal turbomachinery, for example in aircraft engines.

16074/TUB TRL 3
Synthesis of Nanoparticles

This process enables the generation of nanoparticles in spray flames which can be used, for example, as coating material, in electrical devices, for thermal conduction or insulation or as catalyst.

14015/TUB TRL 7
The Sling – Improved Anchorage for CFRP Tension Members

This innovative loop made of carbon fibers can be used, for example, as part of a supporting structure for structures such as bridges, tunnels, towers or also for mobile machines such as cranes, ships or wind turbines.

15052/TUB TRL 6
Coupling Device

This invention comprises a novel coupling device for liquid and gaseous media that can be used, for example, in autonomous fuel transmission and refuelling of satellites.